Together in perfect harmony. After attraction, response, follow-up, first date, second date, sexual relations and sex, most relationships become a mixture of love and hate: late night fun and arguments; romantic dinners and walk-outs; quiet whispers and yelling. Balancing the nature of the relationship is important for success with women. During moments of miscommunication, puzzlement, surprise and awe of the unreasonable, a common realization should arise: Do women think they are always right? The ManBible recommends the formal answer to this question is YES. Sadly, the most reasoned and successful approach to women’s strong beliefs is to placate the dream to avoid conflict. Women are therefore and always right. Men should generally tell women they are right because even if they are not, the benefit of recognition out-weights the moral victory for no useful purpose. Telling a woman of interest she is wrong can reduce the chance of sexual relations and eventual sex. The MB recognizes this course of action as The ManBible Second Truth: A woman is always right (MBT2 – WAR). Regardless of circumstance, most women who believe they are right should believe men believe they are right as far as they know. Life works by balancing benefits and burdens; it’s a give and take affair. Recognizing a woman’s power to be right, whenever necessary and usually often, even when an opinion is stated as fact, maintains the balance necessary for SRES opportunities.
When a woman takes a stand, peace and enjoyment demands, she’s right, out of sexual necessity the greater truths of life.
Most women take disagreement poorly. Because there seems to be an inherent need to control a man of interest, which arises in many women, recognition by a man can be fundamental to self worth. The smart move in any argument is to push but concede. This method is known as Capitulation. Arguments with women are won with compromise, as the answer to who is right or wrong is immaterial the more important issue at hand: sexual relations and sex. The ManBible recognizes capitulation is the best method among a few bad choices. Initially disagreements with a woman of interest can provoke an angry response that shutters further SRS. Capitulation usually saves the day, a way to more peaceful enjoyment of life.
Common Methods of Argument
Effective Methods
1) Capitulation
2) Issue Confusion
3) Apologizing
4) Agreement
5) Promise Better
Ineffective Methods
1) Yelling and Screaming
2) Intransigent Positions
3) Crying
4) Psychological Reversal
5) Escalation
Freakout – When a woman engages in a heated and hate-filled accusatory argument with a man during a disagreement or other circumstance that does not warrant such a response.
Capitulation – A method to gain peace and tranquility in a relationship through agreement on just about everything with a woman of interest.
Make-Up Sex – Sex after a fight, argument or disagreement, usually characterized by higher intensity and pleasure.
Fight or Bang – The view a man can either engage in protracted conflict or capitulate and have more sex often.
MBWarning: Getting past an argument through capitulation does diminish a man’s hand and the level of respect he garnishes from the woman or other women and some men. (See Hand MBC3V3S1). There must be a balance between capitulation and hand, as to never make a man a pawn or tool nor an overwhelming jerk, asshole or fool.