All men love porn. Porn is everything a man wants from a woman and nothing more. The essence of porn is a profound attraction and natural addiction to sexual relations and sex. By watching alone, the essential stimulation of life is assured without much effort or distraction. Further, many women who demand higher booty potentials than what is reasonably achievable for most men can still be enjoyed regardless of a man’s current BP. Although to see and touch is the best, to see and not touch is not the worst. Coupled with the momentary avoidance of the courting ritual, and all that comes with, sexual representations are generally favored with much interest. The ManBible recognizes all men love pornography. Any man who states otherwise is misrepresenting the truth of the matter at some level.
Keep it safe and secret. The fascination with pornography is usually accompanied by a realization that viewing porn is best kept a private affair. Society frowns upon those who indulge too much in pleasure or playing with themselves. Therefore, the wise move is to hide pornography in the normal course. Besides the social implications of being a porn freak, many women are unable to appreciate the role of porn in the daily life of men. When accessible at the right time, place and manner, pornography is sought and watched with glee.
Porn Freak – (PF) – When the watching of pornography becomes publically known and is considered excessive.
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as I always say everything in the world revolves around sex “sex moves the world”