Section II – Evaluation of a Dream
Every woman is a fact-specific question. Gaining knowledge of a new woman of interest requires the ability to objectively determine traits and characteristics. Suppressing a man’s instinctual need for booty with a caution for the danger of premature interest is justified. The ManBible recommends a proper Evaluation of a Dream (EOD) to determine whether or not a particular woman fairly matches what a man desires. The purpose of an EOD is to collect vital information about a woman in order to compare her qualities with the dream of future booty. A woman who matches up well with man’s particular needs and perversions makes the decision to begin the courting ritual a smarter conclusion. Synonyms for an EOD include scoping out, checking it out, investigating the booty, on the case, checking the lay of the land, checking the situation, booty watch, on booty guard, on it, MBetc. When an EOD is done well the right booty will follow.
Most men check out most women they see.
Successful courting requires knowledge of the booty situation. A proper evaluation of a dream informs the actions and responses most likely to be effective. When a man decides to make a move on a woman of interest, The ManBible recognizes the EOD will aid a man in tailoring his approach and the courting process. Generally, a “bad” girl is not going to find the romantic date a first good move, and a “good” girl is not going to find a strip club appropriate. A man skilled at evaluations can assess both a woman’s physical and mental attributes in order to gain advantage in the courting ritual. The type of woman she is—the clothes she wears, the people she hangs out with, the topics she talks about, her family background—all play a part in helping a man choose the right path. Knowing a woman’s strengths and weaknesses is key to unlocking the many doors of booty.
All women are beautiful, but a second look helps still. Most men briefly check out a woman before they decide to dive into the unknown waters of love and booty. This act of instinct can be a dangerous affair of premature madness: Sometimes an attractive first impression compels a man to make a move that is quickly questioned or regretted later. Making a move after an evaluation of the dream is especially prudent when searching for a girlfriend. Although a new woman can be the dream a man is dreaming, she can also be the bummer, or even the nightmare feared most. Fortunately, most women turn out somewhere in the middle: neither a complete satisfaction nor a disaster waiting to happen. That will have to be good enough.
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Circumstances dictate time of evaluation. When competition is fierce, instinct, judgment and experience becomes the compass to booty. Sometimes a man is compelled to make a move or risk losing the chance. The ManBible recognizes sometimes an evaluation of a dream cannot be completed. Although an EOD affords a clear and objective perspective, rarely should a man let one get away. To avoid the adverse consequence of dating the wrong type of woman over and over, a thorough EOD should always be the goal. With experience an EOD can normally be completed quickly.
MB Warning: An evaluation with beer goggles is prone to mistake. The ManBible recommends caution when using beer goggles before making a move.
MB Warning: The natural yet avoidable mistake of believing a new woman is the fulfillment of the dreams of future booty is a premature exercise of hope. Many times men will act because success is assured. The ManBible recommends many dreams but as few nightmares as possible. A man must compare and contrasts his particular likes and dislikes, especially deal breakers, before making a move. (See Decision to Dive). Some dreams are worth following and some not.