A man must first fail before he can succeed. Courting women is an uncertain process with a multitude of dimensions, many hidden from sight. To gain favor with a woman of interest, many factors must come together in perfect harmony. These factors include availability, preference, and mood, past dating and relationship experiences, compatibility and timing, […]
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Two Types of L...
All women want love. The concept of real love is commonly described as a deep sense of caring and responsibility. Through literature, movies, theater, and other social mediums, this type of love has developed and renewed the spirit for every generation. The practical application of attraction and love is more complex, however. What many refer […]
A Form of ...
Checking out a woman of interest is a form of art. When a man makes specific observations to gather critical information to guide future courting decisions, skill and experience assist in the balance between lust and truth. The purpose of an evaluation a dream is to answer the relevant questions concerning a WOI and then […]
A Man Must Pick his Battles Wis...
Section VIII – A Man Must Pick his Battles Wisely MBC3V1S8 Sometimes to win the fight a man must not fight. Most conflicts in a relationship are resolvable by not protesting the conflict. Why argue and verbally fight about something fairly irrelevant to the goal of good living, sexual relations and sex? Even when a […]
Crying Gets a Man Nowh...
Never fun when good booty says goodbye. Most relationships eventually end, and although some are mutual breakups, most end with a fight or other non-amendable disagreement. Mutual breakups are fairly uncommon but celebrated as good for both parties. Most decisions to end a relationship are by one party alone, leaving the other party unaware of the […]
Men are as Faithful as their Opti...
Would you like some sex? From ancient times, men have sought sexual relations with interest, hoping for booty opportunities and a chance to get lucky. Most men would never dismiss freely offered booty, especially when discreetly done, for the pleasure and delight is a foremost priority in life. In theory, men would take as much […]
All Men are D...
Bang, bang and bang. The scope of a typical man’s sex drive runs much deeper and wider then publicly known in the world of women. Hidden from women for centuries, attraction includes both the woman currently involved with and every possible and other women seen, passed by, leered at, looked upon, briefly met, shared words […]
Men and Women cannot be Frie...
Friends and sex rarely mix well. The motivation for friendship and the attraction to women of interest are different in rational and perspective. Friendship is the coming together of people to socialize, support and accompany one-another though all of life’s challenges and non-sexual accomplishments. The desire for sexual relations and eventual sex (SRES) with a […]
All Women are the S...
Women are the same wherever you go. To begin as gentlemen, every woman unique and special. This is especially true to those men who adore them. To the trained eye, most differences are founded in individual personality and history. Important as these features become during dating and beyond, they are potentially deceiving when using patterns […]
A Woman is Always Ri...
Together in perfect harmony. After attraction, response, follow-up, first date, second date, sexual relations and sex, most relationships become a mixture of love and hate: late night fun and arguments; romantic dinners and walk-outs; quiet whispers and yelling. Balancing the nature of the relationship is important for success with women. During moments of miscommunication, puzzlement, […]