The ManBible Author:

Company Information:
The Man Bible, LLC


MB Disclaimer: The ManBible ™ is written for men interested in gaining favor with women. Silence on other groups, absent in this textbook, is not a social commentary nor repudiation of other sexual orientations. The ManBible preaches respect for all people, and in essence, a real man under The ManBible does not disparage or hate any other group based on sexual orientation. Further, any man with any predisposition in this respect is to immediately return or disgorge the ManBible.

MB Disclaimer: The ManBible ™ values and requires respect for women in all regards, and nothing contained within The ManBible is intended to objectify woman in any malicious, unkind, or disrespectful way. Love of woman is key to the Man Bible.

Copyright The ManBible ™ is protected by United States copyright law, and filed with the government of the United States at the Copyright Office in Washington D.C. The author of The ManBible is Charles Wolfe McMellon, Esq. This online post is in NOT A WAIVER OF RIGHTS under United States' and International copyright laws. All rights reserved 2001© 2008©.

Trademark The ManBible ™ is trademarked under United States trademark law, and filed with the government of the United States at the Patent and Trademark Office in Washington D.C. (Serial number 85-067-212)

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