Women and Dating Brave fools with hopes for a kiss and a date, never do they lose their faith. Instead they move forward with confidence renewed to find a way through the front gate. In the fields of booty pleasures, where lust and fate meet, the push is worth the pull and the bang […]
Posts tagged dating manual
Always a Gentle...
Section II – A gentleman and booty always finds company. Marked by mature character, respect for oneself and others, decent manners, high standards, female praising, consideration, and a belief in giving before receiving, a gentleman’s graces come across well in the world of women. The ManBible recognizes a Gentleman as a man who treats […]
A Way ...
Section V – Getting Out MBC3V5S5 Ending a relationship is never easy. For most men, multiple relationships with women of interest will come and go. For women, relationships are more deeply seated with emotion and real feelings, making breakups through dumping problematic. Most women will protect their interests through strong measures, such as cock blocking, […]
The Four Booty Questi...
When a man finds interest, we ask four important questions. Many questions matter, some more than others. Getting to the heart of the matter and maximizing success with women of interest requires a focus on key concerns. The ManBible recognizes the Four Booty Questions (FBQ) as four primary questions that can assist in evaluating a […]
MBC6V2S2 A bang is describing the act of sex by its physical nature. Although different cultures use unique words or phrases to describe this act of sexual consummation, the general concept remains the same. When a man is afforded the opportunity of sexual relations and sex with a woman of interest, the gift […]
The Four Primary Fact...
There are many reasons why women are attracted. For a few lucky men, one attribute alone is enough to gain favor with women of interest. More times than not, the best looking guy gets the best looking women. However, most men can use a combination of traits and attributes to create good and sufficient attraction. […]
The Ratio of Succ...
Section II- The Ratio of Success MBC4V2S2 There are levels of success, but no penalty for failure in the courting ritual. Each man has strengths and weaknesses in the game of love. Sometimes a man who is good at banging bridesmaids strikes out time after time at the late-night club. Gaining favor with a woman […]
Rejection is Part of the G...
A man must first fail before he can succeed. Courting women is an uncertain process with a multitude of dimensions, many hidden from sight. To gain favor with a woman of interest, many factors must come together in perfect harmony. These factors include availability, preference, and mood, past dating and relationship experiences, compatibility and timing, […]
Two Types of L...
All women want love. The concept of real love is commonly described as a deep sense of caring and responsibility. Through literature, movies, theater, and other social mediums, this type of love has developed and renewed the spirit for every generation. The practical application of attraction and love is more complex, however. What many refer […]