Sacred Illuminated Thought (SIT) – Gaining favor with women is an important affair for many men. Those who possess the knowledge and skill necessary for success will be the ones who enjoy the better delights and complain the less. Before looking at any female enhancer alternative, let’s try to see what makes a woman’s sexual […]
Posts tagged dating manual
The B...
The ManBible is a comprehensive guide to women and dating, and a manual on love, girls, and good moves. Written for the advantage of men everywhere, The ManBible is a tongue-and-cheek guide through the modern courting ritual. Stylized in a textbook format, revelations are built from the experience of men and fundamental truths between men […]
In the Beginning R...
Section I – What is The ManBible? MBICV1S1 The ManBible is a comprehensive guide to women and dating. Written to illuminate men everywhere, The MB guides men through the courting ritual. Stylized in a textbook format, principles, methods and rules are revealed in the book. These revelations build on the fundamentals between men and women, […]